Gathering is a heart-to-heart online circle, created for YOU, the Mother, wherever you are in the world
and on your motherhood journey.
It is a place to be yourself without prejudice, to be heard, understood and listened to.
It is a place to explore essential themes of motherhood, and shed some layers
and narratives that no longer serve you.
I see you under the pressure of should, trying to be everything to everyone, playing the good girl role.
Mothering is wonderful
Mothering is healing
Mothering is humbling
f*cking hard.
It breaks you into pieces and forges you into a new way of being – season after season.
All this and much more – sometimes at the very same time.
It is a major initiation into every single piece of you.
I’ve created Gathering from my heart and soul.
The first year of my postpartum experience was a huge identity shift, full of challenges, and death and rebirth energy. What carried me through (and still does) the tough times have been the diverse group of mothers witnessing and supporting me, and the practises that I’ve created for my wellbeing as a mama.
Yes, being a mother is wonderful, that’s true. Loving my child is easy. There’s no doubt about that. It’s the “shedding the layers until it leaves you raw” part that’s been challenging. Motherhood has taken me places within I didn’t even know existed or assumed I had already left behind.
It’ s been a free fall into my underworld, inviting me to recalibrate everything I knew and believed in. Equally, it’s been a reassurance of my infinite power and my body’s innate wisdom. It’s a rebirth on a cellular level.
Gathering is an initiation into this power and wisdom – because YOU have them, too. It’s remembering your strength, your awesomeness, and gifts. It’s stepping into your authentic self, liberating yourself from shoulding and creating your own way of mothering – no matter for how long you’ve been a mum.
As this is the first round of GATHERING, I have no testimonials from this container to share in order to WOW you. But here are some of the words of my private clients:
Additionally, what I can offer is my vision of this 3-month journey together and the faith I have in how profoundly powerful it is going to be. So, here is what you can expect when you join Gathering:
Genuine Connections
You will be part of a small circle of mamas (no more than 10) - a space within which we all share and grow together.
Mothering Themes
We will journey through six themes that are strongly connected to motherhood:
Reimagining motherhood
The mother archetype
The mother wound
Mothering through human design
Sacred mother boundaries
Seasons of mothering
You’ll get to choose how deep you are willing to dive in while being held by me and the other mamas.
Live Audio Coaching
Within the group you’ll get audio access to me on Telegram, Monday to Friday throughout the 12-week of Gathering. Additionally, I will send the group voice notes on the themes, which you can listen to in your own time and pace.
You’ll get the chance to bravely spot the light on some of your conditionings – recognising the stories and fears you have been internalising and carrying for others. Once you become aware of them, you can put the heavy load down and release any shame or guilt accompanying them.
Each theme will have unique tools and practises to further support you on this exploration. They will be simple yet powerful – just what a busy mama needs.
Live Gatherings
We will also meet three times on Zoom at 10am on:
10th March
21st April and
2nd June
Be a rebel mama, and join GATHERING!
What is the best
that can happen
when you gather with us?
you start letting go of guilt, shame and people pleasing (you know, all the good girl stuff that we’ve been told was needed to be liked, loved and accepted)
you start setting healthy boundaries (and others start respecting them)
you make better decisions (coming from love and inner knowing over fear)
you start creating your own way of mothering (and kiss goodbye to “shoulding”)
you start healing your female lineage (in body, mind and spirit)
you learn how to discover your superpowers through human design and start using them in motherhood
you improve your relationship with yourself and your child(ren)
you feel more content, grounded and empowered than ever before
This is for you, mama if:
if reading the above got you all tingly and fired up
if you crave and/or enjoy being in the company of other soulful women, who are ready to expand in motherhood together
if you desire to step into your inner power and fall back in love with yourself
if you are ready to trust yourself and express your wholeness
if you are willing to surrender to the unknown of this journey
if you are brave enough to explore who you are in motherhood and beyond
Gathering is an inclusive circle, however it is NOT for you if:
· you wish to remain the same, living the same life, experiencing the same things all over again
· you believe life is happening to you and you have no influence to change it (and love bonding with others over this belief)
· you are looking for a quick solution or a copy-paste "mothering template"
· you are at a stage where you would need therapy instead of coaching
· you are full of excuses about "why you cannot do this"
· you are not ready to be fearlessly honest with yourself
· you are resistant to self exploration and to receiving feedback and guidance
What will you get?
· We start on 10th March with a live online Gathering (yes, on Mother’s day, because trust me, you need THIS much more than a card to celebrate yourself)
3 x 60min live sessions via Zoom (10am on 10th March, 21st April and 2nd June)
12-week of group support, audio coaching & voice notes via Telegram (it’s a great and easy platform to use, you’ll get the hang of it, mama, in no time)
Voice notes and audio group coaching on six mothering themes:
Reimagining motherhood​
The mother archetype
The mother wound
Mothering through human design
Sacred mother boundaries
Seasons of mothering
Price: Early bird £300 (available until 25th February)
and Full price £450 afterwards
Do you still want to know more, mama?
I get that, it's all right, I'm here for your questions. You can either email me at or send me a DM on Instagram via @annamariapapayova.