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"Boundaries are the distance at which I can love you and me simultaneously." Prentis Hemphill

It's about love and respect. Yourself and others. It's also about self care and self compassion. Knowing who you are and what you stand for. Being aware of your values and what you are willing to tolerate - both from yourself and your environment.

Healthy boundaries are a way of saying No to bullshit while shouting out a huge Yes to everything that matters to you. Assuming that you know what it is. So it's exploring yourself and becoming OK with whatever you find out. Being gentle and forgiving.

It is an exchange of mutual respect towards your inner Goddess and others in your life. It is growing up and taking responsibility. It is trusting that your voice is important to be heard and that you are already enough just the way you are. It's about being true to yourself.

Boundaries, however are not set in stone. With open minded reflection they evolve as you do. They are flexible and occasionally one of a kind. Just like you and certain situations. They are guidelines for a happier and more content life.

Some of us have never learned boundaries exist so we might need to re-define who we are and create a loving protection to live by. It is a life transforming decision you make once you choose yourself. And just in case the well conditioned guilt kicks in, let me share the amazing news with you:

setting healthy boundaries for yourself and your business is not selfish nor limiting.

As a freelancer your healthy boundaries tell the world:

  • who you are as a business woman

  • when and how you are available

  • what you offer.

It enables transparency and manages clients' expectations from the very beginning in a clear and straightforward way. It makes you and your services more approachable, which brings on less confusion and speeds up the lead conversion time. It gives you freedom and confidence, because once you decide what you represent as a woman and a brand, it's so much easier to live up to it and make consistent choices.

If you are ready to start building some beautiful boundaries in order to thrive book a free discovery call with me. It’s a half an hour chat where you can tell me more about yourself and find out whether we are a good fit and how coaching could help you make a positive shift in your business and life. To do so, click HERE or email me at

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